NAM Carers' Grants
As a NAM delegate you can apply for a grant of up to £250 to help you attend the conference that you might not otherwise be able to go to because you care for someone else.
We appreciate that the arrangements that you will put in place will be many and varied, and therefore do not wish to place tight restrictions on how the grant will be used.
Example uses of the grant could include:
- Extended hours for a child-minder/care worker to cover time when arriving home later than normal
- Babysitter costs
- Travel expenses for friends or relatives to come to you to look after dependents
- After school activities, clubs or play-schemes
We have designed the process to be straightforward and just ask you to provide brief details of the event and a description of how the grant will be used.
The grant is intended to go towards the costs associated with additional care. For full details please read the guidance.
To apply for a grant from the fund please complete and return the Carers' Grant Form. Please note that payments will be made after the event.
The total grant fund available is limited and each application is reviewed by date received.
If you would like more information about the fund please contact the Office, Events and Buildings Manager at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on +44 (0)20 7734 3307.
The carers' grant is being introduced on a trial basis to cover the 2016 National Astronomy Meeting. If this proves successful the Society will explore setting it up on a more permanent basis.