Once again, we will be holding a hack day at NAM 2016. This will run for the whole day on Tuesday (28th), allowing people to get some serious hacking done, while also dipping in and out of the parallel sessions.
Astronomers are a skilled and resourceful bunch who enjoy solving problems, creating interesting data visualisations, developing new methods to do science and explaining their research to the public. A hack day is an opportunity to get help with an idea you've had but lack key skills, explore new tools, collaborate with people who are outside your research field and let loose your creativity.
The day will be quite informal, starting with an opportunity for participants to pitch their ideas and skills, and then self-organising over the rest of the day. We’ll have a short session on Wednesday for participants to show off their hacks to one another and the general NAM audience.
In advance of the day, it will be helpful to build up some idea of the projects and skills on offer. If you have a project idea, or want to use your skills to help others, please add some words to the Hack Day wiki page.
Bring your laptop (and power adaptor!) - we’ll provide rooms with wifi, plug sockets, white boards, projectors, a (small) telescope, a supercomputer, a regular coffee supply, and anything else we can get our hands on. If you’d like access to, or can provide, a particular bit of kit then let us know!
In the build up to, and during, the Hack Day we’ll be using the Twitter hash tag combo #NAM2016 #hackday to keep in touch. If you have any questions, please contact Steven Bamford via GitHub (@bamford), Twitter (@thebamf) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..