This page holds a list of delegates who have registered. It is updated at intervals. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any corrections.

Name Institution
Aaron Wilkinson University of Nottingham
Adam Avison UK ALMA Regional Centre
Adam Leary Oxford University Press
Adam Muzzin University of Cambridge
Agnès Ferté University of Edinburgh
Alan Hood University of St Andrews
Alan Pickwick European Association for Astronomy Education
Alan Wells University of Leicester
Alastair Bruce University of Edinburgh
Alberto Bermeo University of Sussex
Alessia Valdarno Springer Verlag GmbH
Alexander Smith Durham University
Alexandros Psychogyios University of Crete
Alexei Borissov University of St Andrews
Alfonso Aragon-Salamanca University of Nottingham
Ali Ahmad Khostovan University of California, Riverside
Alison Laird University of York
Alison Lochead University of Leicester
Alistair Hodson University of St Andrews
Amanda Doyle University of Warwick
Amanda Reyes Asturias Nottingham Trent University
Amandine Le Brun CEA Saclay
Amaury Triaud University of Cambridge
Amitpal Tagore University of Manchester
Amy Ronksley University College London
Andrea Cicchini University of Nottingham
Andrew Griffin Durham University
Andrew Hillier University of Cambridge
Andrew Newsam Liverpool John Moores University
Andrew Rodger University of Glasgow
Andrew Williamson Cardiff University
Andy Bunker University of Oxford
Andy Taylor University of Edinburgh
Angelos Tsiaras University College London
Anita Heward Royal Astronomical Society
Anita Richards UK ARC Node
Anna Hourihane University of Cambridge
Anna Scaife University of Manchester
Anna-Maria van Veggel University of Glasgow
Annemieke Petrignani University of Amsterdam
Annette Webb Royal Astronomical Society
Apostolos Christou Armagh Observatory
Asa Frederick Bluck ETH Zurich
Asad Hussain University of Manchester
Ashley Fuller  
Ashley King Natural History Museum
Autumn Rolling Northumbria University
Bailey Fallon Royal Society Publishing
Beatriz Sanchez-Cano University of Leicester
Becky Parker Institute for Research in Schools
Behzad Ansarinejad Durham University
Beleth Apophis University of Manchester
Ben Hall  
Ben Maughan University of Bristol
Ben Snow Northumbria University
Ben Tunbridge University of Manchester
Benjamin Alcock University of Glasgow
Benjamin Drummond University of Exeter
Benjamin Fernando Imperial College
Benjamin Thompson University of Central Lancashire
Benjamin Williams University of St Andrews
Bernadette Brady University of Wales
Berta Margalef Bentabol University of Nottingham
Bill Swalwell University of Central Lancashire
Bitten Gullberg Durham University
Bjoern Soergel University of Cambridge
Brad Gibson University of Hull
Brian Sheen Roseland Observatory
Cal Hewitt Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys
Carl Mundy University of Nottingham
Carl Roberts University of St. Andrews
Carlos Vergara University of Sussex
Carole Mundell University of Bath
Carolin Villforth University of Bath
Carolyn Devereux University of Hertfordshire
Catherine Dieval Lancaster University
Catherine Hale University of Oxford
Charles Barclay Extended Project
Charlotte Marshall University of Nottingham
Charutha Krishnan University of Nottingham
Chloe Pugh University of Warwick
Chris Castelli UKSA
Chris Conselice University of Nottingham
Chris D'Andrea University of Southampton
Chris Gosden STFC
Chris Jordan University of Hull
Chris Lintott University of Oxford
Chris Lowder Durham University
Chris Nelson University of Sheffield/Queen's University Belfast
Christina Smith York University, Toronto
Christopher Berry University of Birmingham
Christopher Copperwheat Liverpool John Moores University
Christopher Frohmaier University of Southampton
Christopher Lovell University of Sussex
Ciarán Conneely Imperial College
Clare Burrage University of Nottingham
Clare McLoughlin Royal Astronomical Society
Clare Parnell University of St Andrews
Clare Worley University of Cambridge
Claudia Lederer University of Edinburgh
Colin Vincent STFC
Connor Macrae University of Hull
Cormac Larkin Lunar Mission One
Craig Heinselman EISCAT Scientific Association
Craig Johnston University of St Andrews
Cristina-Diana Ilie University of Manchester
Dali Kong University of Exeter
Daniel Brown Nottingham Trent University
Daniel Brown University of Central Lancashire
Daniel Evans Keele University
Daniel Lee University of Central Lancashire
Daniel Williams University of Glasgow
Dave Sarras nPAE Precision Astro Engineering
David Armstrong Queen's University Belfast
David Barnes STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
David Barnes University of Manchester
David Brown University of Warwick
David Burgess Queen Mary University of London
David Copeland University of Edinburgh
David Jones Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
David Long University College London
David Maltby University of Nottingham
David Mulcahy University of Manchester
David Pascoe University of Warwick
David Pontin University of Dundee
David Shelton Spacelink learning foundation
David Smith Institute of Physics
David Sobral Lancaster University
David Tsang University of Maryland
David Flower University of Durham
Dean Roberts Open University
Denis Gonzalez Caniulef University College London
Derek McLeod University of Edinburgh
Derek McNally University of Hertfordshire
Dida Markovic University of Portsmouth
Ding Yuan University of Central Lancashire
Dominic Bates University of St Andrews
Dominic Bowman University of Central Lancashire
Don Pollacco University of Warwick
Dongyao Zhao University of Nottingham
Donnacha Kirk University College London
Duncan Forgan University of St Andrews
Eamon Scullion Northumbria University
Ed Copeland University of Nottingham
Edward Gomez LCOGT
Elizabeth Cooke University of Nottingham
Elizabeth Pearson BBC Sky at Night Magazine
Elizabeth Stanway University of Warwick
Emma Foxell University of Warwick
Emma Lofthouse University of Hertfordshire
Emma Woodfield British Antarctic Survey
Emmal Safi Keele University
Erkki Kankare Queen's University Belfast
Fabio Silva University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Fachreddin Tabataba-Vakili University of Oxford
Fanny Stevance University of Sheffiled
Fernando Eustaquio Dantas Dos Santos University of Manchester
Fiona Healy University of Manchester
Fiona Wilson University of St Andrews
Florence Liggins Imperial College
Francesco Pace University of Manchester
Frank Prendergast Dublin Institute of Technology
Fraser Lewis Faulkes Telescope Project/National Schools' Observatory
Frazer Pearce University of Nottingham
Freddie Mather University of Sheffield
Gabrielle Provan University of Leicester
Gareth Few University of Hull
Gavin Lamb Liverpool John Moores University
George Bendo University of Manchester
George Pagomenos Open University
Gert Botha Northumbria University
Gillian McFarland Artist
Gioacchino Accurso University College London
Giovanna Tinetti University College London
Giulio Del Zanna University of Cambridge
Giuseppe Congedo University of Oxford
Giuseppe Nistico University of Warwick
Graham Smith University of Birmingham
Graham Thompson University of Hertfordshire
Grahame Blair STFC
Grant Miller University of Oxford
Graziella Branduardi-Raymont University College London
Guido Roberts-Borsani University College London
Guillem Anglada-Escude Queen Mary University of London
Haley Gomez Cardiff University
Hamish Reid University of Glasgow
Hannah Earnshaw Durham University
Hannah Middleton University of Birmingham
Harry Brown Liverpool John Moores University
Helen Johnson Durham University
Helen Mason University of Cambridge
Helen Russell University of Cambridge
Henrik Melin University of Leicester
Henry Childs University of Warwick
Hilary Downes Birkbeck College
Horace Regnart  
Hugh Osborn University of Warwick
Huw Morgan Aberystwyth University
Iacopo Bartalucci CEA Saclay
Iain Hannah University of Glasgow
Iain McDonald University of Manchester
Ian Crawford Birkbeck College
Ian Harrison University of Manchester
Ian McCarthy Liverpool John Moores University
Ian McCrea  
Indhu Varatharajan University College London
Indranil Banik University of Saint Andrews
Ineke De Moortel University of St Andrews
Ingo Waldmann University College London
Inigo Arregui Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
Ioannis Kourakis Queen's University Belfast
Ione Parkins University of Leicester
Isobel Hook Lancaster University
Isobel Judson University of Hull
Jacqueline Den Hartogh Keele University
Jaime Salcido Durham University
Jake Arthur University of Nottingham
James McCormac University of Warwick
James McLaughlin Northumbria University
James Nightingale University of Nottingham
James Stubbing University of Sussex
James Threlfall University of St Andrews
James Trayford Durham University
Jamie Gilmour University of Manchester
Jane Greaves Cardiff University
Jane MacArthur University of Leicester
Jasleen Matharu University of Cambridge
Jason McEwen University College London
Jen Gupta University of Portsmouth
Jena Meinecke University of Oxford
Jeremy Sakstein University of Portsmouth
Jillian Scudder University of Sussex
Joanna Barstow University College London
Joao Jose Feio Calhau Lancaster University
Joe Aindow University of Central Lancashire
Joe Zuntz University of Manchester
Joergen Christensen-Dalsgaard Aarhus University
John Fairweather Royal Astronomical Society
John Garrett University of Oxford
John Murrell University of Central Lancashire
John Veitch University of Birmingham
John Weaver University of St Andrews
John Womersley STFC
John Zarnecki Royal Astronomical Society
Jonathan Westcott University of Hertfordshire
Joop Schaye Leiden University
Joseph Cooper Open University
Joseph Hutton Aberystwyth University
Josephine Peters University of Oxford
Joshua Argyle University of St Andrews
Joshua Warren University of Oxford
Julian Mayers University of Sussex
Julian Onions University of Nottingham
Julie Wardlow Durham University
June McCombie University of Nottingham
Justin O'Byrne Science and Technology Facilities Council
Kate Furnell Liverpool John Moores University
Kate Maguire Queen's University Belfast
Kate Rowlands University of St Andrews
Katerina Pishiris  
Katherine Wright UKSA
Kathy Romer University of Sussex
Keith Smith Science magazine
Ken McClements Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
Ken Rice University of Edinburgh
Ken Smith Queen's University Belfast
Kenneth Duncan Leiden Observatory
Kerry Hebden ROOM, The Space Journal
Kevin Pimbblet University of Hull
Kieran Simcox  
Kim Burchell STFC
Kim Clube Royal Astronomical Society
Kodai Fukushima Hosei University
Konstantina Loumou University of Glasgow
Krishna Mooroogen Northumbria University
Kshitija Kelkar University of Nottingham
Laura Marian University of Sussex
Laura Prichard University of Oxford
Lauren Doyle University of Glasgow
Lawrence Bilton Open University
Layth Tajuldeen University of St Andrews
Leigh Fletcher University of Leicester
Leon Hicks University of Leicester
Lindsay Oldham University of Cambridge
Lise Du Buisson University of Oxford
Liz Henty University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Louise Alexander Birkbeck College
Louise Harra University College London
Luke Hindson University of Hertfordshire
Luke Shingles Queen's University Belfast
Lyndsay Fletcher University of Glasgow
Lyndsay Old University of Toronto
Magdolna Todorovic University of South Wales
Maire Gorman Aberystwyth University
Malcolm Druett Northumbria University
Mandy Bailey Open University
Marc Manera University College London
Marcelle Soares-Santos Fermilab
Marcelle Soares-Stanos Fermilab
Marco Pignatari University of Hull
Marcus Hope Royal Astronomical Society
Marek Kukula Royal Observatory Greenwich
Maria Manolopoulou University of Edinburgh
Mario Damiano University College London
Mark Graham University of Oxford
Mark Magee Queen's University Belfast
Mark Sullivan University of Southampton
Mark Swinbank Durham University
Mark Topper Birkbeck College
Mark Trapnell  
Markus Battarbee University of Central Lancashire
Martha Tabor University of Nottingham
Martin Barstow University of Leicester
Martin Coulby Liverpool John Moores University
Martin Davis University of South Wales
Martin Hardcastle University of Hertfordshire
Mathew Smith University of Southampton
Mathilde Jauzac Durham University
Matt Darnley Liverpool John Moores University
Matt Hilton University of KwaZulu-Natal
Matthew Allcock University of Sheffield
Matthew Allen Space Made Simple
Matthew Hull University of Portsmouth
Matthew Willson University of Exeter
Matthieu Schaller Durham University
Max Potter University of Manchester
Maximilian Günther University of Cambridge
Meg Urry Yale University
Meghan Gray University of Nottingham
Mehdi Walji University of Nottingham
Melanie Davies Creative Space
Melanie Windridge Imperial College
Michael Childress University of Southampton
Michael Merrifield University of Nottingham
Michal Michalowski University of Edinburgh
Michele Dougherty Imperial College
Miguel Socolovsky University of Nottingham
Mike Bode Liverpool John Moores University
Milena Pawlik University of St Andrews
Monica Grady Open University
Monica Christel Tress Barojas University College London
Monique Henson University of Manchester
Morgan Hollis Royal Astronomical Society
Mykola Gordovskyy University of Manchester
Nancy Hine University of Hertfordshire
Natalie Curran University of Manchester
Natasha Jeffrey University of Glasgow
Nathalia Alzate Aberystwyth University
Neal Jackson University of Manchester
Neale Gibson Queen's University Belfast
Neha Mistry Oxford University Press
Neil Evans University of Cambridge
Nicholas Boardman University of St Andrews
Nicholas Walker Newcastle University
Nicolas Bian University of Glasgow
Nicolas Laporte University College London
Nigel Metcalfe Durham University
Nina Hatch University of Nottingham
Ofer Lahav University College London
Oliver Turner Keele University
Olivia Keenan Cardiff University
Omar Almaini University of Nottingham
Owain Walker Aberystwyth University
Owen Turner University of Edinburgh
Padraig Alton Durham University
Pamela Mortimer Royal Astronomical Society
Pamela Rowden Open University
Paolo Pagano University of St Andrews
Patrick Antolin University of St Andrews
Patrick Irwin University of Oxford
Paul Crowther University of Sheffield
Paul Daniels RAS Council
Paul Giles University of Bristol
Paul Greer Open University
Paul Roche Cardiff University
Paul Sutherland
Paul Wheat Open University
Paul Woods Nature Astronomy
Paul Wright University of Glasgow
Paul Ross McWhirter Liverpool John Moores University
Paulo Simoes University of Glasgow
Peder Norberg Durham University
Peter Levens University of Glasgow
Peter Sarre University of Nottingham
Peter Simpson Imperial College
Peter Wass Imperial College
Peter Zelina University of Central Lancashire
Philip Amison STFC
Philip Johnson  
Philip Rooney University of Sussex
Philippa Browning University of Manchester
Philippa Hartley University of Manchester
Pierre Maxted Keele University
Piotr Oleskiewicz Durham University
Rachana Bhatawdekar University of Nottingham
Rachel Asquith University of Nottingham
Rachel Cochrane University of Edinburgh
Rachel Henson University of Leicester
Rahul Sharma University of Sheffield
Ralph Schoenrich University of Oxford
Ranga Magadi University of Nottingham
Raphael Hirschi Keele University
Rebeca Barcenilla Garcia Birkbeck College
Rebecca Bowler University of Oxford
Rebecca Kennedy University of Nottingham
Rebecca Smethurst University of Oxford
Richard Alexander University of Leicester
Richard Field Sherwood Observatory
Richard Massey Durham University
Richard Morton Northumbria University
Rita Tojeiro University of St Andrews
Rob Beswick University of Manchester
Rob Gallagher University of Cambridge
Robert Burston University of Bath
Robert Izzard University of Cambridge
Robert Mann University of Edinburgh
Robert Massey Royal Astronomical Society
Robert Spence University of Sheffield
Robert Wicks University College London
Roger Leyser University of Leicester
Roger O'Brien  
Roger Wesson University College London
Rohini Giles University of Oxford
Ross Hart University of Nottingham
Ruari Mackenzie Durham University
Ruchi Garg University of York
Rupert Champion Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys
Russell Smith Durham University
Ryan Duffy University of Bristol
Ryan Houghton University of Oxford
Sadie Jones University of Southampton
Sally Dacie University College London
Sam Lindsay Royal Astronomical Society
Sam Vaughan  
Sandor Kruk University of Oxford
Sarah Bridle University of Manchester
Sarah Bridle University of Manchester
Sarah Hutton University College London
Sarah Matthews University College London
Sarah Mulroy University of Birmingham
Sargam Mulay University of Cambridge
Sean Ayling University of Sussex
Sean McGee University of Birmingham
Sergei Anfinogentov University of Warwick
Sergio Martin University of Oxford
Sergiy Shelyag Northumbria University
Shaun Read University of Hertfordshire
Sheona Urquhart University of Hull
Shruti Patekar University of Manchester
Simon Dye University of Nottingham
Simon Hodgkin University of Cambridge
Simon Kemp Universidad de Guadalajara
Simon Prentice Liverpool John Moores University
Simon Schofield Cardiff University
Simon Thomas University College London
Simon Zieleniewski University of Oxford
Siyuan Chen University of Birmingham
Skandar Taj Heriot Watt University
Sophie Bartlett Cardiff University
Sownak Bose Durham University
Sreekumar Thaithara Balan University College London
Stacey Habergham Liverpool John Moores University
Stefan Arridge Durham University
Stephane Reignier Northumbria University
Stephanie Greis University of Warwick
Stephen Bradshaw Rice University
Stephen Curran Victoria University of Wellington
Stephen Fendyke University of Leicester
Stephen Futcher Hampshire Astronomical Group
Stephen Serjeant Open University
Stephen Walker University of Cambridge
Stephen Wilkins University of Sussex
Steve Milan University of Leicester
Steve Miller RAS200
Steven Bamford University of Nottingham
Steven Williams Lancaster University
Stewart Buchan University of Southampton
Stuart McAlpine Durham University
Stuart Muldrew University of Leicester
Stuart Sim Queen's University Belfast
Sugata Kaviraj University of Hertfordshire
Suzanne Imber University of Leicester
Szymon Prajs University of Southampton
Tamela Maciel National Space Centre
Tara Salter University of Sussex
Teo Mocnik Keele University
Teresa Smith Liverpool John Moores University
Therese Cantwell University of Manchester
Thomas Armitage University of Manchester
Thomas Collett University of Portsmouth
Thomas Fletcher University College London
Thomas Hands University of Leicester
Thomas Howson University of St Andrews
Thomas Kitching University College London
Thomas North University of Birmingham
Thomas Williams Aberystwyth University
Thomas Wilson University College London
Tiago Campante University of Birmingham
Tianyue Chen University of Manchester
Tim Green Durham University
Tim Hewlett University of St Andrews
Tim Weinzirl University of Nottingham
Timo Laitinen University of Central Lancashire
Timothy David University of Leicester
Timothy Davis Cardiff University
Tiziano Zingales University of Southampton
Tom Bakx Cardiff University
Tom Barratt Popular Astronomy
Tom Muxlow University of Manchester
Tommaso Giannantonio University of Cambridge
Tony Arber University of Warwick
Tony Bell University of Oxford
Ulrike Kuchner University of Vienna
Valentina Zharkova Northumbria University
Vanessa Polito University of Cambridge
Victoria Scowcroft Carnegie Observatories
Vince Higgs Cambridge University Press
Violeta Gonzalez-Perez University of Portsmouth
Wendy Williams University of Hertfordshire
Wesley Fraser Queen's University Belfast
William Cowley Durham University
William Dunn University College London
William Hartley University College London
Xing Li Aberystwyth University
Yana Maneva KU Leuven
Yjan Gordon University of Hull
Yvonne Elsworth University of Birmingham